Procreate watercolor tutorial - Cupcake


  • Procreate


  • Ipad pro

  • Apple Pencil

Brush Links


  1. Open the KJ-Watercolor_Studio#4 paper, add a few layers under the paper and effects layer.

  2. Sketch out a cupcake with a procreate pencil on a layer, lower the opacity and start painting on  a new layer.

  3. Click the link to download the free color palette - Artic butter. Start with the light brown outlining the bottom of the cupcake using the KJ main brush. Then use a darker brown and draw on the bottom of the cake and a line just below the icing, to suggest shadows. Now use the scatter brush in the white spaces, varying the colors already used. For the shadows used the darkest brown.

  4. Using the wet brush under the smudge brush option lets create the watercolor effect, making sure not to smudge the outlines.

  5. To create highlights use the detailed brush with the lightest brown, taking into consideration the light source.

  6. On a separate layer lets start with the icing, with the main brush and the lightest blue outline the cupcake swirls. Then using the same brush with a darker blue, highlight the left of the cupcake swirls, and the blue green to the right to create the shadows. Now use the scatter brush in the white spaces, varying the colors already used.

  7. Using the wet brush under the smudge brush option lets create the watercolor effect, making sure not to smudge the outlines.

  8. Now to add texture, used the texture brush with a light blue and smudge some of the edges.

  9. Then using the main brush draw a line under the cupcake and smudge it at the bottom to create a faded shadow.

  10. Lastly use the splatter brush varying the colors, make some minor adjustments on cupcake to make it cohesive(hide the draw later).

Click link to the Youtube video


Poppy color palette for procreate


Artic Butter color palette for procreate